Managing Government Relations in the Gas & Oil Sector

Course Info

Code IND17-104

Duration 5 Days

Format Classroom

Course Summary


The gas and oil sector is incredibly vast and expands globally. To be successful within this sector, it is necessary for organisations to maximise their productivity through a variety of means. The primary method of this is engaging in government relations.



Gaining in-depth competencies of all areas of government relations is vital for an individual with a high standing in a relevant organisation. Government relations dictates the value through strategies of exploration, production, transportation, and trading. Managing government relations in these areas will guarantee productivity will not decrease, and that the environment continues to remain safe on a physical level, financially and politically.



Not only does government relations manage internal functions, it is also used to manage external processes. Within the gas and oil industry, it is necessary to develop personable and positive relationships with other organisations and stakeholders. Investments and trade come with a variety of advantages but includes some risks. Effective government relations allow for ideal communication, and will aid in identifying any political risks or disputes that need to be immediately addressed.



During this course, you’ll learn:


To understand the importance of managing government relations within the gas and oil sector.
To create value for a business through government relation strategies.
To establish effective risk management, including identifying political risks, risk mitigation and contingency plans.
To effectively plan, design, implement and monitor the performance of government relations strategic plans.
To explore methods and tools that can help improve the ability to manage government relations in a variety of situations.
To examine how to synergise government relation functions with other business functions to ensure maximum efficiency.


This course is designed for anyone within the oil and gas industry that wishes to gain a more comprehensive understanding of government relations to incorporate it into their specific role. It would be most beneficial for:


Government Relations and Public Affairs Managers
Operations Managers
Senior Executives
Business Development Managers
Business Owners
Risk Analysts
Risk Management Personnel
HR Personnel


This course uses a variety of adult learning styles to aid full understanding and comprehension. Participants will review case studies of established businesses within the oil and gas industry to highlight government relation successes, failures, and potential improvements.



A range of learning exercises is crucial for the participants to gain a full and comprehensive understanding of the taught content. To encourage proficient learning, they will partake in a variety of seminars, group discussions, video materials and group activities. Working individually and as a group, they will be able to develop the necessary skills and offer and receive constructive feedback from others.


Course Content & Outline


Section 1


Introduction to Government Relations
Defining key terms relating to government relations.
Assessing the role of government relations within a business.
Understanding the ethical implications of positive and poor government relations.
Ensuring government relation functions are conducted with integrity.
Evaluating potential risks to reputation.
Legal influences within organisational relations.



Section 2


Political Risk and Mitigation
Understanding what political risk is.
Examining the agendas of different involved parties – CEOs, clients, stakeholders, and competitors.
Methods and tools for identifying and measuring political risk – quantitative analysis.
Establishing risk management plans detailing identified risks, mitigation methods and contingencies.
Global issues and trends that influence political risk.



Section 3


Effective Application of Government Relations
Exploring opportunities to globalise the organisation.
Expanding on current business functions and using government relations to maximise productivity.
Achieving successful merging or acquisition.
Obtaining the licence to operate – sustainable relations with government and communities.
The vitality of ‘win-win’ solutions and using diplomacy to settle disputes.



Section 4


Managing Government Relations
Essential factors to consider when planning for government relations – attitudes to change, positive and negative influences, ensuring safe working environments.
Effectively monitoring performance and results through various methods.
Engaging in policy debate to guarantee the most proficient policies.
Synergising organisational functions with others.
Reviewing the corporate social responsibility.



Section 5


Maintaining Performance
Consistently reviewing strategies and plans to stay on track.
Utilising government relations to encourage maximum productivity.
Identifying areas of difficulty and tension and making the ideal steps to resolve it.
Aligning realistic goals with government ambition.

Adapting to Change: Key Obstacles for Oil and Gas Companies
The oil and gas industry faces significant challenges, from environmental concerns to digital transformation. This blog explores the main obstacles and offers solutions to thrive amidst transitions.

Course Video