For many businesses, stakeholders are essential to profit-making and progress. They provide valuable ideas and insight, increased innovation, the ability to compare with competitors and other businesses in the field, and, most importantly, the finances to grow a business without encountering financial difficulties.  

Developing a stable and mutually beneficial relationship with the right stakeholders can be difficult. Developing a strong connection with people who understand your mission and company aims is essential. To maintain their interest, you will need to utilise practical negotiation skills and engage your stakeholders in all areas of your organisation.  

Sometimes, stakeholder relationships can become rocky, and it’s also important to keep them on the side, remove the pressure from your employees, and maintain stability by offering innovative solutions to questions and problems.  

It’s also your responsibility within the business to develop processes and skills to consider both external and internal stakeholders, including contractors, employees, clients, shareholders, and consultants, increase opportunities, and overcome challenges to ensure that the business is propelled forward and increasing in profitability.  

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 

  • Develop long-term mutually beneficial relationships with stakeholders.  
  • Understand the requirements for stakeholders both internally and externally.  
  • Create meaningful communication channels to keep your stakeholders engaged.  
  • Use SMART negotiation techniques to make the most of alliances.  
  • Navigate workplace changes and keep everyone informed.  
  • Maintain profitability by generating innovative solutions to change and gaining funds to carry out new processes.  
  • Improve negotiation and influencing techniques to get the most out of relationships.  
  • Benchmark your success against competitors and accept feedback from stakeholders to make essential improvements.  
  • Resolve organisational conflicts and manage workplace politics.  

This course is designed for anyone responsible for managing stakeholder relationships or negotiating contracts to gain funding for future projects. It would be most beneficial for: 


  • Fundraising Managers 
  • Operations Managers 
  • Financial Managers 
  • Business Owners 
  • Directors 
  • Purchasing Managers 
  • Technical Professionals 
  • Project Managers 
  • Change & Control Managers 
  • Administrators or Support Staff 
  • Account Managers 
  • Sales Representatives 

This course uses various adult learning techniques to aid full understanding and comprehension. Participants will watch video examples based on positive and negative negotiation and influencing styles and their consequences.  


They will also use group activities and learn tools and techniques to develop an action plan for business processes and projects. They will present the benefits and accurate statistics to potential stakeholders to gain buy-in.  


Role-playing activities will also use real-world scenarios to improve participants’ natural negotiation and relationship-building techniques and help them handle objections and manage challenging conversations. 

Day 5 of each course is reserved for a Q&A session, which may occur off-site. For 10-day courses, this also applies to day 10

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Section 1: Identifying Beneficial Stakeholders 

  • What do you want from your stakeholders? 
  • Identifying your needs and those of your stakeholders.  
  • Shared benefits.  
  • Minor vs. senior stakeholders - benefits and pitfalls.  
  • Your stakeholder register. 
  • The best stakeholder management strategy. 

Section 2: Stakeholder Communications 

  • The psychology of stakeholder communication. 
  • Understand the barriers to effective communication. 
  • How to remove communication barriers.  
  • Interests vs. necessities.  
  • Developing trust using empathy and understanding. 
  • Delivering news on key issues.  

Section 3: Long-term Relationship Building 

  • Emotional Intelligence and its role in relationship building. 
  • Planning and contractual agreements.  
  • Developing the right environment for mutually beneficial relationships.  
  • The skills and competencies of stakeholder management.  
  • Stakeholder prioritisation - ramping up and ramping down.  

Section 4: Negotiation & Influencing 


  • Influencing skills and rapport building. 
  • Negotiation techniques and practice.  
  • Managing effective stakeholder meetings. 
  • Behaviours, body language, and influencing without authority.  
  • Gaining extra funding through persuasion and positive planning.  
  • Passive manipulation.  
  • Negotiation tools and techniques.  

Section 5: Handling Objections & Difficult Conversations 

  • Dealing with stakeholder objections.  
  • Understanding why objections may occur.  
  • Identifying pain points in processes before presentation.  
  • Escalating stakeholder objections for a more comprehensive resolution.  
  • Managing expectations when issues occur.  
  • Managing key influencers and stakeholders effectively. 

Section 6: External & Internal Stakeholders 

  • How to identify the needs of different stakeholder types.  
  • Protocols and processes for different types of stakeholders.  
  • Understanding communication method differences for internal vs. external stakeholders.  
  • How internal stakeholders can benefit your business.  
  • How external stakeholders can benefit your business.  
  • Gaining the right ratio.  

Section 7: Your Work Culture & Managing Engagement 

  • The 3-step approach to effective stakeholder analysis and engagement. 
  • National and regional cultures and how these differ.  
  • Your organisational values and culture.  
  • Enforcing values and managing non-adherence.  
  • Communicating across cultural barriers.  
  • Time management, expectations, and goals. 

Upon successful completion of this training course, delegates will be awarded a Holistique Training Certificate of Completion. For those who attend and complete the online training course, a Holistique Training e-Certificate will be provided. 

Holistique Training Certificates are accredited by the British Assessment Council (BAC) and The CPD Certification Service (CPD), and are certified under ISO 9001, ISO 21001, and ISO 29993 standards. 

CPD credits for this course are granted by our Certificates and will be reflected on the Holistique Training Certificate of Completion. In accordance with the standards of The CPD Certification Service, one CPD credit is awarded per hour of course attendance. A maximum of 50 CPD credits can be claimed for any single course we currently offer. 

Stakeholder Engagement & Management

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  • Course Code MG2-121
  • Course Format Classroom,
  • Duration 5 days

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