No matter where you are in the food supply chain, whether you produce food, supply food or serve in the food consumption trade, you need to have a deep understanding of food safety. Creating and implementing a food safety policy is a skill that this course will delve into and ensure that when it comes to writing this document, you fully understand the implications. Failing to understand the impact of food safety can leave any organisation, no matter how big or small, open to investing, which can lead to financial and legal penalties if you are found to be in breach of the legislation that is in place. 
A large portion of the course will focus on ISO 22000:2005, which is the standard documentation in the principles of Food Safety and the management of all processes within the scope of this legislation. You will learn about Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and take into account the Code Alimentarius Commission principles. Both national and international regulations will be taken into account. You will learn how to ensure food safety practices and concerns are communicated with everyone in your team, your stakeholders and your endpoint customers. The course will cover why a food safety management system is required and how this is certified and registered. It will look at what documentation is needed to ensure you are conforming to food safety policies and how you can demonstrate that you are in full compliance with the regulations and food safety requirements.
  • To be able to evaluate and improve any logistics and processes within the company to ensure they meet legislative requirements and any international food safety standards that apply.
  • To be able to design the monitoring systems needed and then implement and control the food safety management developed from such systems. 
  • To set up the necessary HACCP team and ensure they have the correct knowledge needed to develop and implement a HACCP system within the company. 
  • To be able to carry out effective hazard analysis and identify any corrective or preventive measure to bring risk back to acceptable levels. 
  • To be able to demonstrate the correct categorisation of Critical Control Points (CCPs). 
  • To be able to demonstrate the correct categorisation of Operational Prerequisite Programs (OPRPs)
  • Food Safety Consultants
  • Pubic Health Authority Hygiene Inspectors 
  • Anyone involved in inspection food premises
  • Personnel involved in monitoring/implementing food safety legislation 
  • Quality Control staff in food processing facilities and food premises
  • Food technologists
  • Food Scientists 
  • Those hoping to pursue a career in food science or any food-related profession.
Teaching takes place in a variety of settings including face to face in a classroom environment and will ensure that participants can expand their knowledge of the subject and increase their skill set. The course is delivered via various methods by a specialist tutor. This will include PowerPoint presentations, reviewing articles and other relevant materials, group or individual exercises and discussions. There may be some independent work set, and the course will involve a requirement to submit articles to demonstrate understanding and an end of course test. Note-taking is encouraged, and you are welcome to use electronic devices to do this.
The course manual will form part of the learning but give you references for the future. You are encouraged to ask questions and, if needed, spend time one to one with your tutor to go over any issues. During your time in the classroom, you will be able to network with peers in similar roles.

Day 5 of each course is reserved for a Q&A session, which may occur off-site. For 10-day courses, this also applies to day 10

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Section 1: Defining Food Safety Management Systems
  • What is an ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System?
  • How the ISO 22000:2005 system has evolved and incorporated Codex Alimentarius and HACCP principles.
  • A look at regulations and guidelines for food safety 
  • The terminology used in food safety
  • Understanding and working with Control Limits (CLs)
  • Understanding Critical Control Points (CCPs)
Section 2: Chapter Breakdown: ISO 22000:2005
  • Food safety management systems
  • Management responsibilities 
  • Resource management for food safety management
  • Planning and realisation of safe products
  • Validation, verification and improvement of food safety management systems
Section 3: Required Documentation for ISO 22000:2005
  • Awareness and Competence training - Human Resources
  • Management team reviews requirement 
  • What inputs/outputs are required from the management team 
  • Documentation for the work environment
  • Example documentation including forms 
  • Explanation of using forms and documentation
Section 4: Understand and Plan Safe Products
  • What are PRPs?
  • Hazard Analysis Planning: (flow diagrams, steps of the process, control measures and food safety team
  • Carrying out a Hazard Analysis
  • HACCP plan 
  • PRPs, CCPs and CLs
  • Traceability system and verification plans
  • Dealing with nonconformity: Withdrawing and Correcting
Section 5: Validating, Verifying and Improving a Food Safety Management System
  • Control Measure Validation 
  • Monitoring and Measuring Control 
  • Verifying the Food Safety Management System 
  • The Importance of Internal Audits for ISO 22000:2005
  • Why improvement is continuous 
  • Consideration of how improvements evolve
  • Open forum for discussion and Q&A

Upon successful completion of this training course, delegates will be awarded a Holistique Training Certificate of Completion. For those who attend and complete the online training course, a Holistique Training e-Certificate will be provided.

Holistique Training Certificates are accredited by the British Assessment Council (BAC) and The CPD Certification Service (CPD), and are certified under ISO 9001, ISO 21001, and ISO 29993 standards.

CPD credits for this course are granted by our Certificates and will be reflected on the Holistique Training Certificate of Completion. In accordance with the standards of The CPD Certification Service, one CPD credit is awarded per hour of course attendance. A maximum of 50 CPD credits can be claimed for any single course we currently offer.

Food Safety Management Essentials

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  • Course Code IND10-101
  • Course Format Classroom,
  • Duration 5 days

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