Having control over a growing enterprise can be a challenging project. You must review all processes regularly to aim for continuous improvement, understand the risk areas and create contingencies to mitigate this, and develop a sound staffing strategy, including automation, to keep your costs within your budget.  


SAP products are the ideal solution for managing all of these different tasks and working towards a particular goal. They provide an overview of management procedures, HR processes, financial aspects, and sales solutions in one place, so you’ll always understand what’s going on and which areas you need to focus on.  


To gain full control over your operation, SAP products give you a wider understanding of your master data and reporting requirements. They also assist with amazing project planning and journey mapping capabilities so you can work towards your company goals. The software provides efficiency and automation opportunities that help with resourcing and employee motivation so you can keep your eye on the prize.  

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 


  • Develop a greater insight into how SAP ERP software can benefit your business.  
  • Enhance your skills and knowledge of SAP operational and financial models.  
  • Understand the wider management of ERP and create an ERP life-cycle management procedure.  
  • Generate effective reporting mechanisms to tighten up your internal procedures.  
  • Utilise the software to create maximum effects.  
  • Understand where automation can aid your business and increase your profits in the long term.  
  • Develop a great understanding of where a human element is required within a business model.  

This training would be a good fit for anyone responsible for running an operation within a business or anyone who wishes to streamline their company strategy to maximise profits. However, it would be particularly beneficial for: 


  • Business Owners 
  • Managing Directors 
  • Chief Operating Officers 
  • Project Managers 
  • Financial Managers 
  • Logistics Managers 
  • Planning and performance Managers 
  • Operations Managers 
  • Team Leaders or Supervisors  
  • Novice Users of SAP 

This SAP ERP training course combines presentations and practical exercises based on learning materials to help support a company's operations development.  


The interactive group sessions focus on case studies and problem identification, then lean on strategic thinking and effective decision-making to create simple yet effective processes and solutions to move a business forward.  

Day 5 of each course is reserved for a Q&A session, which may occur off-site. For 10-day courses, this also applies to day 10

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Section 1: What is SAP ERP? 

  • What is SAP ERP? 
  • How can a SAP system help your business? 
  • Examining and auditing your weaker areas. 
  • How to select a process plan that will work long-term. 
  • Understanding your long-term goals. 
  • Motivating employees, gaining buy-in, and implementing effective training processes for system changes.  

Section 2: The ERP Environment and Its Uses.  

  • Data management. What do you need to report on to understand your direction? 
  • Your Org Chart and the importance of set roles and delegation. 
  • SAP navigation and user commands for easy accessibility.  
  • Developing standardised reporting and adding extras.  

Section 3: Materials & Module Management 

  • Setting up a sales platform.  
  • Ordering and purchasing.  
  • Accurate inventory and upkeep. 
  • Service order manipulation.  
  • Planning and performance monitoring and management materials.  
  • Identifying risk elements and predicting future changes to become more proactive.  

Section 4: Managing Finances 

  • Accounting and receipt records.  
  • Invoicing and payment histories.  
  • Financial statement maintenance.  
  • Client focussed services 
  • Customer payment retention. 
  • Tendering through SAP.  
  • Financial commands and easy accessibility.  

Section 5: HR Management Through SAP 

  • Discovering more about your people.  
  • Recordkeeping, data protection, and GDPR implications.  
  • Recruitment processes and automation.  
  • Talent management and performance management procedure creation. 
  • Resource management, attrition trending, and shrinkage.  
  • Time management and payroll automation.  

Section 6: Creating Your Profitable Future 


  • Your future predictions based on data analysis.  
  • How SAP ERP could help you achieve success.  
  • Setting up a project management portfolio with effective timelines and delegation.  
  • Next-Gen SAP - what’s coming up? 
  • The SAP Cloud storage systems for increased reliability and security. 
  • Successful process implementation. 
  • Review, feedback, and lessons learned.  

Upon successful completion of this training course, delegates will be awarded a Holistique Training Certificate of Completion. For those who attend and complete the online training course, a Holistique Training e-Certificate will be provided. 

Holistique Training Certificates are accredited by the British Assessment Council (BAC) and The CPD Certification Service (CPD), and are certified under ISO 9001, ISO 21001, and ISO 29993 standards. 

CPD credits for this course are granted by our Certificates and will be reflected on the Holistique Training Certificate of Completion. In accordance with the standards of The CPD Certification Service, one CPD credit is awarded per hour of course attendance. A maximum of 50 CPD credits can be claimed for any single course we currently offer. 

SAP Enterprise Resource Management

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  • Course Code PI1-107
  • Course Format Classroom, Online,
  • Duration 5 days

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